
Student Charter

One of the Colleges major functions is to educate its students. The College is committed to the pursuit of excellence in all aspects of teaching and learning, and particularly to the provision of high quality teaching.

Excellence in teaching and learning involves students as active participants in their educational experience, rather than as customers or passive consumers. In addition to the institutions role of awarding formal academic qualifications to students who successfully complete their studies, the University seeks to in still in all students independent scholarly learning, critical judgment, academic integrity and ethical sensitivity.

The Student Charter sets out the expectations students can properly hold as they receive their education. It also outlines what can be expected of students in undertaking their studies to enhance the quality of their educational experience. It recognizes that ethical and honest behavior and treatment underpins the institutions relationship with its students.

Students as individuals can expect:

  • to be treated with courtesy and respect
  • to be treated equitably, irrespective of gender, religion, caste, race, disability or medical condition, cultural background, age or political conviction
  • to communicate freely and to be able to voice alternative points of view in rational debate
  • to enjoy a study environment free from religion-, caste-, or gender-based harassment and other forms of intimidation
  • to have personal privacy respected. Students may expect that personally sensitive information will be requested only where necessary for College/University academic or administrative functions and that, once collected, it will be adequately protected against inappropriate or unauthorised access
  • to have access upon request to personal records which the College may hold about them, subject to the provisions of the Right to Information Act 2005 and relevant college access policies and procedures

As part of their education, students can expect:

  • to be provided with accurate, timely and helpful information regarding their course of study, and about enrolment and other administrative procedures that apply to them
  • to receive, at the beginning of each year from the Department Head, a written statement on the objectives or goals of the course, how performance in the course will be assessed (including information on individual items of assessment and their relative importance) and other general assessment expectations and penalties
  • that course content will be up-to-date and informed by current scholarship in the discipline
    to have reasonable access to teaching staff for individual consultation outside class times, in person or by other means (such as by telephone or electronic mail)
  • that evaluations of academic performance will reflect each students true merit
  • that feedback on assessment will be recognised as a valuable part of the educative process. Items of progressive assessment should be marked promptly and returned to students with feedback and the mark or grade obtained. Students may access examination marks and scripts, together with appropriate feedback, following release of final results in a course
  • that their copyright in any essay, assignment, thesis or dissertation they produce will be recognised and that students moral rights in relation to original academic work will be acknowledged in, for example, scholarly publications, academic presentations or teaching materials
  • that the facilities or equipment they use are safe and comply with the institutions occupational health and safety guidelines
    as members of the college community, students can expect:
    representation on major decision-making bodies, and for provision for their representation to be included in statutes and rules of the college. It is desirable
  • that student representatives are, as often as possible, appointed by students themselves or by organisations representing them
    an opportunity to appraise the teaching performance of academic staff and to provide input into course planning and subject design.

Students as individuals can be expected to:

  • treat other members of the college community with respect and courtesy
  • treat other members of the college community equitably, irrespective of gender, religion, caste, race, disability or medical condition, cultural background, age or political conviction
  • respect the opinions of others and deal with disagreement by rational debate
  • avoid conduct which might reasonably be perceived as sexual, caste-biased, non-secular, racial or gender-based harassment or which is otherwise intimidating

While participating in their education, students can be expected to:

  • acquaint themselves with college policies and procedures relevant to their enrolment and course of study and obey the statutes and rules of the college
  • attend classes, maintain steady progress in their of study and submit required work on time (unless unforeseen or exceptional circumstances, which are communicated to the relevant staff member as soon as possible, arise)
  • conduct themselves in a professional manner while undertaking diverse forms of clinical or practice-based experience, and respect the confidentiality of patient, or information made available to them as part of their practical learning activities
  • incorporate feedback into their learning, make use of the assessment criteria with which they are provided, and be aware of rules and policies relating to assessment
  • maintain the highest standards of academic integrity in their work. Students must not cheat in examinations or other forms of assessment and must ensure that they do not plagiarise the work or ideas of other persons and that the findings of their research are interpreted and presented appropriately and based on accurate data

As members of the college community, students can be expected to:

  • participate actively in and contribute to college decision-making bodies of which they are members, since students represent a key constituency within the college and provide useful perspectives on its operation
  • provide fair and honest feedback on teaching performance and the presentation of courses
    respect college property and the facilities, such as library, computing and laboratory resources, which the college provides to support teaching and learning, so that these are available to fellow students
  • avoid conduct which disrupts the teaching, learning or research activities of other students and staff, or which interferes with others performing their duties

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