Hostel Regulation

Hostel Regulation

About the On-campus Hostels

Three spacious hostels, one for boys (Kumara  hostel) and two for girls (Kanya and Shraddha) are located within the college campus. The Kumar Hostel has 94 (3-seater) rooms with attached bathroom and hot water. The Kanya hostel also has 94 (3-seater) rooms with attached bath and hot water. The Shraddha hostel has single and double accommodation with attached bath and hot water. Hostels are provided with telephone connections and recreation rooms with TV and reading facilities. Apart from this, six rooms each in the Kanya and Kumar hostels and one room in Shraddha hostel are designated guest rooms to accommodate parents/guests of the students.

Hostel Committee Members of SDM Dental College Dharwad

Name Telephone No.
Principal, Dr. Balaram Naik 0836-2461630
Vice Principal (Admin.) Dr. Venkatesh Naikmasur 0836-2468142-Ext. 117
Warden (Boys), Dr. Niranjan K. C. 0836-2468142-Ext. 305
Warden (Ladies), Dr. Veda Hegde 0836-2460911-Ext. 305
Hostel Accountant/Manger 0836-2460933 Ext. 402
Mess Manager 0836-2468142-Ext. 400

Prevention and Control of Incidents of Ragging

  • In order to control the menace of Ragging in the hostels, the college authorities have constituted a committee called the Anti-Ragging Committee consisting of senior professors and senior administrator staff.
  • The Supreme Court of India order has a zero tolerance policy in dealing with students indulging in ragging. The punishment awarded would be exemplary and justifiably harsh to act as deterrence against its recurrence.
  • The act of ragging is a cognizable criminal offence and registration of FIR by the institutions is mandatory against erring students.
  • Trial Courts shall give top priority to the cases of ragging and the crime will be dealt with sternly.
  • The college has established Anti-Ragging Squads to bring to book any act of ragging by senior students.

Procedure for Admission to and Allocation of Hostel Accommodation

  • Students who wish to take admission in hostel should submit a written application in the prescribed format.
  • All the students are advised to stay in the hostel and make the best use of the facilities provided.
  • The Warden at his own discretion will decide upon granting of hostel accommodation.
  • As a matter of normal practice, requests for change of rooms once allotted will not be entertained. Only in case where the Warden/Dean, Support Services/Principal is convinced that such change is essential will he permit such a change. These changes are effective only at the end of the term and on availability of alternative accommodation.
  • Students are not permitted to discontinue hostel facilities in the middle of the term. Such requests are permitted only with prior permission of the Warden/Dean Support Service and will not be allowed till the closure of the term.
  • Allotment of rooms is valid for one academic year only, and in case of hostel residents final term, only up to the end of such term. If the residents require accommodation after the end of such year/term, he/she must make a fresh application.
  • Deposit will not be refunded if student decides to vacate room prior to the stipulated term.
  • Students are allowed to stay in the hostel for a maximum period of five years from the date of college admission.

General Rules

  • Residents may undertake house keeping responsibilities of their rooms and the surroundings by notifying the house keeper.
  • Permanent structural changes, sticking indecent and ugly posters in the rooms are strictly prohibited.
  • The room is to be restored to its normal condition. Before moving out, the occupants will pay for any damage(s) to the room or its furniture.
  • Health disorders should be reported immediately to manager/warden.
  • Residents are not allowed to keep any drugs/vials/ampules of any drugs in their rooms. All such medicines must be given to resident warden and will be dispensed on request.
  • Smoking, drinking alcohol, gambling, drug usage/abuse, etc. in the hostels are strictly prohibited.
  • Under no circumstances will visitors of the opposite sex be allowed in to students room.
  • Under no circumstances is cohabitation permitted.

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  • All residents are provided with wardrobes and lockers for the safety of personal belongings. Students are advised not to keep valuables and cash in their rooms to avoid loss, theft, etc. Deposition of money and valuables in the nearest bank is advisable.
  • The hostel authorities are not responsible for any loss of personal belongings of the residents of the hostel. Residents are advised to keep the door locked when leaving the room.
  • In case of any theft, an immediate report should be lodged with the Manager/Warden. The concerned official will render assistance in lodging a police complaint. However, the college is not responsible for replacement of lost/stolen items.
  • Each and every resident is responsible for the care of general areas within the hostel in which the residents live. This includes guest rooms, television rooms and lounges. Residents of the hostel may be held responsible for damages to the public areas of their respective hostel.
  • Cooking in the hostel is not permitted. Open heating elements are strictly prohibited.
  • The electrical points provided in each room can be used for the purpose of table lamps, hair dryers and coffee pots only. No other electric gadgets permitted.
  • Audio devices are permitted in the rooms but its use should ensure that it does not disturb other residents. Exterior antennas of any sort are not permitted.
  • Cable TV is provided in the TV lounge of each hostel and tampering with the cable system is not permitted.
  • Newspaper, periodicals etc. should not be misused.
  • No furniture or furnishing will be moved in or out of a room without prior permission of the warden.
  • If students are not attending classes due to illness, it should be brought to the notice of the resident warden. The sick resident must consult the doctor and avail the hospital facility.
  • Residents are not permitted to convene meetings, parties or attempt signature campaign of any sort in the premises without the prior permission of the warden. Disobedience will be dealt with as per college regulations.
  • Students are required to enter the details of the destination, telephone nos., name of the contacting person in the register kept with the Manager/Warden when they are leaving the hostel for more than two days. Students are required to take prior permission of the Warden before leaving the hostel to stay outside or before the leaving town. As a rule, no picnics, external trips are permitted.
  • All the students should possess ID cards and should be made available when asked by the college authorities.
  • When leaving the rooms, residents must turn off the lights and fans so as to economise the use of electricity. All electrical fixtures and water taps are to be turned off to prevent wastage and damage.
  • No student will indulge or resort in any form of antisocial and prohibitive activities such as ragging or any kind of harassment  be it physical, mental and financial or otherwise either inside or outside the college/hostel or any other place. Such resident shall be liable for severe punishment including removal from hostel/college.
  • Diesel and electricity expenses will be divided equally amongst all inmates and will be added in the monthly mess bill.
  • Hot water will be supplied twice-a-day: mornings from 6am to 8am and evening from 5.30pm to 6.30pm.
  • Silent hours will be observed on all the days of the week from 10pm to 7am. The complaints on this account shall be seriously viewed subjected to disciplinary action as per college regulations.
  • All students leaving the campus should return to the campus by 10.30pm on weekdays and 11.00pm on holidays and days preceding holidays.
  • Visitors are permitted in the hostel lounge; students are responsible for their as well as the behaviour of their guest(s). Failure to conform to the above rules could result in eviction from the hostel and/or dismissal from the institute.
  • Encouragement for entry of any outsider other than residents, without the knowledge of the warden, is viewed seriously.
  • Guests are not permitted to stay in the students rooms in the hostel. Guest rooms are provided for short stay of parents and guardians. They can be made use of by prior application and permission at nominal fixed charge. This is subject to availability.
  • Any violation of the rules and regulations will be brought to the notice of the parents.
  • All students residing in the hostels are reminded that the preceding rules are framed with the intention of providing congenial atmosphere for academic activities. Hence they are expected to co-operate with the management.


Rules of the Dining Hall (Mess)

  • Only vegetarian food is supplied in the mess. Non-vegetarian and/or other forms of packed food from outside are strictly prohibited in the hostel premises.
  • Mess timings are as follows:
Weekdays Holidays
Breakfast 7. 00am to 08.30am 9.00am to 10.00am
Lunch 12.15pm to 01.45pm 1.00pm to 2.00pm
Evening Tea 4.30pm to 05.30pm 5.00pm to 6.00pm
Dinner 8.00pm to 09.30pm 8.00pm to 9.30pm

Note : Evening tea and dinner shall not be served on Saturdays.

  • Students are expected to maintain proper discipline and order in the mess and in the dining hall at the hours when meals are served and during other times.
  • Meals are not permitted to be taken outside mess premises, except in case of illness which is to be done with prior permission of manager/warden; the food is served in the hostel room.
  • All the mess expenses are distributed equally between the members of the mess. Only those students who take all the meals in the mess are eligible for the benefits of the dividing system. Others are charged at standard guest rates for each meal taken by them.
  • Reduction in mess charges will be allowed if the period of absence is over 5 days or more in a month. The student should request his absence in the leave register. To avail this benefit such intimation shall be made 12 hours in advance.
  • Students are required to make an advance payment of Rs. 15,000/- for food charges incurred in the Mess. The monthly Mess bill for every student is deducted from this advance payment. When the available balance reaches below Rs. 2000/-, a letter shall be dispatched to the parents as a reminder to reimburse the mess advance payment.
  • A fine of Rs. 250/- per month will be collected for delay in payment of mess deposit. In case of non-payment of mess advance in the prescribed time limit, the mess facility shall be suspended.

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