
Ongoing research activities and dissertations

  • Comparison of toothbrush wear and plaque removing efficiency of four commercially available tooth brushes.
  • Prevalence of midfacial fracture among patients attending the craniofacial unit of S.D.M. College of Dental Sciences, Dharwad. A retrospective study.
  • Oral health status and utilization of dental services among Dharwad population.
  • Oral health related Quality of life
  • Dental caries and Dental fluorosis experience with varying amount of naturally occurring Fluoride in drinking water among 5years and 12-13years old children

Collaboration Research Work

  • National Oral Health survey of India in collaboration with Colgate Palmolive Ltd

Ongoing research activities and dissertations

  • “Reattachment of fractured anterior tooth: fracture strength using different materials”. (An in-vitro study) Dr. Ritu .M.
  • “Sealing ability of super EBA, IRM and MTA when used as a retrograde filling material”. (An in-vitro study) Dr. Tushar kant Sharma.
  • “Combined occluding effect of sodium fluoride varnish of Nd: YAG laser or dentinal tubules”. (A SEM Study) Dr. Ruchika Roongta.
  • “Chemical and antimicrobial efficacy of Ca(OH)2 mixed with irrigating solutions”. Dr. Gagan Chaudhary.
  • “In vitro comparative study of cold sterilization of gutta percha points suing different disinfectants in different concentrations”. Dr. Pradeep.
  • “In vitro, removal of smear layer using EGTA: An SEM study”. Dr. Narayan Rao.
  • “Comparison of manual and rotary instrumentation techniques in cleaning of root canal using scanning electron microscopy”. (An in-vitro study) Dr. Kriti Somayaji.
  • “Comparison of hybrid instrumentation and profile 0.04 Rotary Ni-Ti instruments for apical debris and irrigant extrusion”. (An in-vitro study) Dr. Anisha Bhomavat.
  • “Tooth clearing technique for morphological analysis of lateral canals in obturated teeth”. (An in-vitro study). Dr. Suran Pushpa.
  • “Effects of carbamide peroxide on surface morphology and micro hardness of enamel”. (An in-vitro study) Dr. Nitin Rohatgi.
  • “Comparison of depth of cure and hardness of two light curing units (LED and Halogen)”. Dr. Prashant Bhasin
  • “Platelet – rich plasma – a healing aid”. To be presented by Dr. Tushar Kant Sharma, in Lucknow conference.
  • “Comparative evaluation of two latest obturation techniques: Gutta-flow & Epiphany to be presented by Dr. Ruchika Roongta, in Lucknow conference.
  • “Conventional Bleaching V/s Nyte white Bleaching”. to be presented by Dr. Pradeep, in Lucknow conference.
  • “Negotiation of MB2, canals using operating microscope”. to be presented by Dr. Mohammed Mustafa, in the National conference.
  • “Use of MTA and Ca(OH)2 for direct pulp capping”. (An in-vitro study) to be presented by Dr. Kriti Somayaji and Dr.Gagan Chaudhary, in the National conference.
  • “Comparing of lateral condensation, Thermafil, System B / Obtura II for dentinal wall adaptation”. (An in-vitro SEM Study), to be presented by Dr. Anisha Bhomavat, in the National conference.
  • “Doxy cycline a potent irrigavity solution in removal of intra canal smear layer”. (An in-vitro study), to be presented by Dr. Suran Pushpa and Dr. Nitin Rohatgi, in the National conference.
  • “Efficacy of various contractions of MTA on Candida albicans”. to be presented by Dr. Prashant Bhasin, in the National conference

Collaboration Research Work

  • Fast track in bone healing by Platelet Rich plasma
  • New methods to determine periapical lesion – Echography.
  • Research on post and core using metal and non – metal
  • Mineral tri-oxide aggregate – Bacterial and thermal action – Effect on healing at root resection – Perforations
  • At present, a study on sex differences in tooth morphology – which has thrown up some interesting findings – is on the verge of completion.
  • Also, the first steps have been taken in a pilot study to estimate age in adults using radiographic and histologic methods.

Ongoing research activities and dissertations.

  • The following research activates are under way in the department ” Dapsone in the management symptomatic cases oral lichen planus a follow up study ” Levomisole in the management of symptomatic cases oral lichen planus a follow up study ” Physiotherapy in the management of myofacial pain dysfunction syndrome a follow up study ” Occlusal splint therapy as a treatment modality in the management of myofacial pain dysfunction syndrome a follow up study.

Ongoing research activities

  • Immunohistochemical comparison of C- MYC expression in Oral squamous cell carcinoma & verrucous carcinoma.
  • IHC expression of MDM2 in odontogenic tumors.
  • Comparison of immunohistochemical expression of MDM2 protein in oral squamous cell carcinoma & verrucous carcinoma.
  • Immunohistochemical expression of C- MYC oncogenes production in selected odontogenic cysts & tumors.
  • Immunohistochemical expression of cyclin – B1in oral squamous cell carcinoma & verrucous carcinoma.
  • Immunohistochemical expression of cyclin B 1 in normal, Hyperplastic, dysplastic & oral squamous cell carcinomas.
  • Immunohistochemical expression of -Catenin in oral squamous cell carcinoma & verrucous carcinoma.
  • Immunohistochemical expression of -Catenin in selective benign & malignant salivary gland tumor.

Ongoing collaborative research activities

  • Adherence of candida albicans to resilient lines using fluorescent microscope an in vitro study. Department of Prosthodontics, SDMCDS, Dharwad.
  • Measurement of Serum levels of trace elements in oral submucous fibrosis. Department of Oral medicine & radiology, SDMCDS, Dharwad.
  • Study of Localization of cellulose and callose in tissues using flurochromes under fluorescent microscope. Department of Botany Karnataka University, Dharwad
  • Study of Mast cells in Oral submucous fibrosis Department of Oral pathology, Bapuji Dental College & Hospital, Davangere
  • Study of Nuclear changes in Oral squamous cell carcinoma. Department of Oral Pathology, College of Dental Sciences, Davangere
  • Binding studies with sclerotium folfsil lectin using fluorescent microscope. Department of Biochemistry, Karnataka University, Dharwad
  • Effect of bulk insertion, prepolymerised resin composite inserts and vetaquartz inserts on microleakage of class V resin composite restorations.
  • Department of Conservative & Endodontics. SDMCDS, Dharwad
  • Ultrasound real time imaging in differential diagnosis of periapical lesions. Department of Conservative & Endodontics. SDMCDS, Dharwad
  • Study of C – reactive protein levels in periodontal patients. Department of Periodontics. SDMCDS, Dharwad
  • Histological and clinical Study on new obturation material resilon. Department of Conservative & Endodontics. SDMCDS, Dharwad.

Ongoing research activities and dissertations

  • Ultrasound monitoring of distraction osteogenesis. – Dr. Abhijit Joshi
  • Fibro osseous lesions of the jaws – Diagnostics challenges and treatment concept. – Dr. Amit Gupta
  • Parentral nasomaxillary asymmetry as a relative risk factor for unilateral cleft lip, alveolus and palate of their off spring. – Dr. Dinesh Kumar
  • An objective method to evaluate pre surgical and post surgical results in unilateral cleft lip patients. – Dr. Manoj
  • Comprehensive analysis of Maxillofacial injuries and their management. – Dr. Priyesh Patil
  • Internal derangement of temporomandibular joint – Arthrocentesis: A simple solution. – Dr. Ranjit Singh
  • Speech outcome after closure of oronasal fistula. – Dr. Sreenath Reddy
  • Assessment of nasal deformity in cleft patients with or without nasal splints. – Dr. Anita D. Parusetti
  • Evaluation of secondary deformities in Unilateral cleft lip using V.L.S classification. – Dr. Kiran H.Y
  • Evaluation of posttraumatic and postoperative inferior alveolar and infra orbital nerve in Maxillofacial injuries. – Dr. Mahantesh S.S
  • Comparative evaluation of Local Anaesthesia with adrenaline and without adrenaline on blood glucose concentration on patients undergoing tooth extraction. – Dr. Puneet Kalra
  • Analysis of the relationship between grade of histopathological malignancy and cervical lymphnode metastasis in squamous cell carcinoma in the Head and Neck region – A prospective study. – Dr. Rajay Kamath
  • Prospective analysis of treatment of mandibular fracture complications and its assessment of a scoring system. – Dr. Ranjit P.V
  • Assessment of Orthognathic surgical outcomes using Cephalograms and model analysis – A prospective study. – Dr. Syed Kousar
  • Use of matrix miniplates in mandibular fractures. – Dr. Apurva Mehta
  • Analysis of Staphylococcus aureus species in cleft lip and palate patients before and after surgery – Implication and management. – Dr. Chaitanya
  • Assessment of masticatory function using EMG/Bite force slope in mandibular fractures. – Dr. Deborah Sybil
  • Esthetic surgical outcome of lip adhesion procedure in bilateral cleft lip and palate patients: An antropomological analysis. – Dr. Gaurav Barsaiyan
  • Submucous cleft palate: Outcomes of surgical treatment. – Dr. Naveen J
  • Versatility of Temporalis myofascial flap: A clinical and cadaveric study. – Dr. PriyanshuA comparison of dexamethasone with methyprednisolone for reducing postoperative edema and inflammatory response after Orthognathic surgery. – Dr. Venu G.

Collaborative Research activities

The Smile Train

  • Free Treatment Program For Cleft Lip And Palate. In With the support of The Smiletrain and other NGOs, free treatment is being provided since July 2001 for patients with cleft lip and palate. In the past four years, over 2400 cleft patients have been successfully treated totally free of cost including food and medicines.


  • Workshop of distraction osteogenesis is conducted by Prof. Ashra Ayoub from Glasgow every year.


  • Every year a Rhinoplasty workshop is carried out every year by Dr. N.A. Nasser, U,K.

The following research activities are underway in the Department

  • Cephalometric norms for Indian Population based on Natural head Position. Also Anthropometric Norms for Indian population.
  • Material Research – Properties of various arch wire materials, bracket materials, bracket base designs etc.
  • Bio-mechanics
  • FEM studies related to mechanics and Cephalometric application.
  • Twin Studies
  • Maturity Indicators
  • Soft Tissue Analysis
  • Implants for Orthodontic Anchorage.
  • Studies on Cleft lip and palate patients’ cranio-facial and dental features and treatment outcomes.

Prospective Clinical studies testing Efficacy of Fixed Functional Appliances such as Churro jumper and Forsus Class II corrector.

This department was the center for MDORCPS(Glasgow) examination in the year 1999. and for IMORTHRCS Examination of the Royal College of Physicians Glasgow and Royal College of London in 2000.

Ongoing research activities and dissertations

  • To assess the prevalence, associated Dental anomalies and arch dimensions of children with Cleft Lip-Palate visiting SDM College of Dental Sciences and Hospital, Dharwad.
  • An Evaluation of the efficacy of three fiber post core materials and techniques involved in re-restoring the badly decayed primary anterior teeth (An invitro and invivo study)
  • Clinical and radiographical evaluation of formocresol, Glutaraldehyde and Ferric Sulfate pulpotomies in primary molar (In vivo Comparative Study)
  • Epidemiological study on supernumerary Teeth
  • Myasthenia Gravis – Case report
  • Traumatic luxation of primary teeth and its management in 8month old baby-follow up
  • Rotary NiTi Endodontic Instruments
  • Bleeding disorder patients in pediatric dentistry
  • Topical fluorides and Dental caries
  • Injection vs. needle free local anesthesia in pediatric dentistry

Ongoing research activities and dissertations

  • Evaluation of efficacy of hydroxyapatite , Beta tricalcium Phosphate bone substitutes alone and in combination in the treatment of human periodontal infra-bony defects -A comparative – Radiological study.- Dr. Monika Rao
  • Evaluation of resorbable collagen chitosan membrane and porous hydroxyapatite in the treatment of mandibular class 2 Furcation defects -A clinico-radiographic study-Dr Ashok Satyanarayan
  • Evaluation of the efficacy of herbal extracts with bis-biguanide and phenolic compound containing mouth wash-Dr Prashanth Shetty.
  • Evaluation of rotary instruments, ultrasonic scalers and hand instruments on diseased root surface.-A stereo microscopic and SEM study-Dr Akshay Munjal.
  • Comparative evaluation of the efficacy of micro spheres and gel as local drug delivery system in periodontal pocket therapy- A clinico microbiological study- Dr S.Srirangarajan.
  • Comparative evaluation between upper body obesity and periodontal disease -A Clinico- Biochemical study-Dr Anurag Satpathy
  • Comparative evaluation of sub-epithelial connective tissue graft and a cellular dermal matrix graft in the treatment of gingival recession-A clinical study-Dr Nikesh Narayan Moolya.
  • Comparative Evaluation of Platelet rich Plasma with and without bone graft material containing calcium sulphate + type 1 collagen in treatment of human periodontal intra-osseous defects- A clinico radiographic study – Dr. Shilpa

Collaborative research activities

  • Hindustan Lever Ltd: Efficacy of regular tooth brushing & new dentifrice & a chalk based toothpaste on plaque & gingivitis of a population of Indians who are tooth powder users. Amount (Rs.): Rs180, 000/- Duration (years): 3months
  • Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad: Long term sub-antimicrobial dose Doxycycline as an adjunct to scaling and root planning-A clinico-Biochemical, microbiological study. Dr. Hormuzd K Vakil(Sept 2001) Amount (Rs.) : 45,000/- Duration (years):6 months
  • Nova Bone: Comparative Evaluation of Bioactive glass (Perioglas) with hydroxyapatite (Periobone-G) in the treatment of infra- bony defects. A Clinico Radiological Study Duration (years): 9 months -NOVABONE sponsored the bioactive glass (Perioglas) material.
  • DR. REDDY’S laboratories ALBLANC Company: The effect of Senquel F toothpaste on plaque, gingivitis and dentinal hypersensitivity-A double blind study. Duration (years): 56 Days. Senquel F toothpaste was provided by Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Empty toothpaste packets were provided by Alblanc company, Bangalore.

Ongoing research activities and dissertations

  • Acceptance of clinical assessment of vertical of occlusion established by different methods – Dr. Umapathy Rao
  • An in vitro study of the effects of disinfectants and wetting agent on the wettability of addition polymersed silicone impression materials and void formation in dies – Dr.Santosh Kotian
  • The abrasive effect of porcelain and nickel chromium alloy on the wear of human enamel, and the influence of carbonated soft drinks on the rate of wear – Dr.Nikhil.J.
  • Comparative evaluation of the stress distribution under masticatory loads on individual artificial crown and interconnected artificial crown in full mouth rehabilitation – An FEM Study – Dr.Sachin Mantur
  • Evaluation and comparison of the effect of different surface preparations on bond strength of glass ionomer cement with nickel – chrome metal – ceramic alloy – Dr.Kalpana Gupta
  • Investigation of marginal fit and surface roughness of crowns, due to different bench set and different burnout temperature using base metal alloy – Dr. Anurag Hasti
  • The effect of joint surface contours on the transverse strength and impact resistance of denture base resin repaired by various methods – an in vitro study – Dr.Farhan Khalid Shah
  • Evaluation of the effect of encorporation of glass fibers in interim FPD and its effect on flexural strength before and after thermocycling – Dr.Anand Shetye
  • Evaluation of swallowing force generation between antagonist posterior teeth among dentulous young adults having different horizontal jaw relationships. – Dr.Anupama Nigam.
  • The effect of different retentive modalities and surface treatment on the Adhesion (Bond Strength) of commercially available acrylic teeth to the denture base resins. – Dr.Shwetha Kumari.
  • Comparative evaluation of bond strength of titanium ceramic with different surface treatment on Titanium. – Dr.Reshma Kulkarni. 12. Effects of firing cycles and surface treatment on distortion of titanium ceramic restorations. – Dr.Naveen H.C.
  • Evaluation of shock absorbability and compressive strength of commercially available indigenous denture teeth. – Dr.Rachana K.B.
  • Comparative evaluation of pattern and resin pattern with change in concentration of liquid of investment material and burnout temperature on accuracy of casting – Dr.Santosh Y.
  • Evaluation of the effect of five different metal framework designs on fracture resistance of metal ceramic restorations and to determine the marginal fit discrepancies after porcelain firing- an in vitro study. – Dr.Naina Vernekar.
  • Evaluation of effect of different groove length and thickness of retainers on the retention of maxillary anterior base metal resin bonded retainers – An in vitro study. – Dr.Anoop Nair
  • Evaluation and comparison of surface hardness surface roughness and linear dimensional change of refractory cast poured against different duplicating media. – Dr.Amit Porwal.

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