
Implantology Department

We believe in constant up gradation to provide the standard par treatment. For the same the department has been restructured and renovated keeping in mind the increasing demands by the patients and the dental field. The department has four fully equipped dental chairs and two OT chairs with an operation theatre and sterile zones. Each chair in the OT has a separate physiodispenser. The second stage minor surgical procedure room has its own computer and RVG facility.

Recently a new comfortable waiting room has been restructured for the patients. The department houses 4 different implant systems. The implant systems being, Braenmark, Oraltronics, Biohorizon and Uniti.

Dr. Sudhindra Kulkarni

Prof & Head of Department

Dr Sudhindra Kulkarni, has been a Gold Medalist and a Meritorious Student all through. He graduated in 1999 and completed Masters in Periodontics in 2001 from the SDM College of Dental Sciences and Hospital, Dharwad, India.
He has been a Full time faculty of the Department of Implantology from 1st Feb. 2003. Since 1st Jan. 2010, he has been Professor and In-charge of the Department of Implantology.


UG & PG Curriculum and competency

  • The department trains postgraduates from the department of Prosthodontics, Periodontics and Oral Surgery.
  • Each postgraduate has a training program for 6months on rotation basis.
  • The students are involved in examining, discussing and formulating treatment plan as well as in the Surgical and Prosthodontic management.
  • Scientific papers have been presented in various national conferences securing best paper awards on many occasions.

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