The S.D.M. College of Dental Sciences, Dharwad, founded in the year 1986 is a self financing, non profitable organization with a vision of excellence in knowledge, skills and service. The SDMCDS is situated at Sattur between Hubli & Dharwad, in the northern tip of Karnataka, with a population of more than a million is the second largest city in the state of Karnataka after Bangalore and is known as a cultural and educational center. Dharwad is well connected by rail, road and air from cities like Bangalore, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Delhi etc and enjoys excellent climate all through the year.
Learner-centred education, patient-centred service and community-oriented research of excellence.

- Contribute professionally competent general and speciality personnel to meet regional, national and global oral health care needs.
- Foster strong community relationships through research, services and linkages.
- Provide an efficient, effective and community-acceptable system that excels in education and service.
- Inculcate values in learners to be socially and professionally acceptable
The Institution, Mission and Goals are realised by a sustained effort to train competent general dentists by accomplishing the following objective
- Providing a current and relevant curriculum that embodies the acquisition and integration of knowledge and skills, social awareness, critical thinking, a commitment to service learning and an appreciation for continuous learning.
- Provide adequate clinical experience that offers wide access to consultative, comprehensive and emergency oral health care.
- Offer infrastructural facilities, technological and material support, and an environment conducive for exchange of knowledge and ideas.
- Attract and retain faculty and staff committed to the mission of the college by providing them with the necessary resources, opportunities and support to stimulate their professional and personal development.
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- Undertake basic, clinical and translational research which has a direct as well as contributory effect on the oral health and social needs of the community in the region and beyond.
- Develop and implement sound marketing and communication strategies that promote the mission of the institution.
- Serve as a professional resource for private practitioners and a referral centre for patients with complex conditions and treatment needs.
- Access and maintain financial resources sufficient to support institutional excellence and innovation at all levels.
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Greetings to one and all!
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to our College website. It has been a great privilege to be an alumnus of this esteemed institution and also having served this organization in various capacities since 1994.
“A human soul without education is like a marble in the quarry which shows none of its inherent beauties until the skill of the polishers fetch out the colours and makes the surface shine”
– Addison
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“There is an infinite capacity in all of us. We are not using even an infinitesimal portion of our power. Learn to see not only with your external eyes but also with your inner eyes, that is the heart, the centre of existence. The fact that big leaps in science and technology are the attainments of human intellect cannot be denied”
– Dr. D. Veerendra Heggade, Dharmadhikari Srikshetra, Dharmasthala.
Vision: “Learner centred education, patient centred service and community-oriented research and excellence”
Mission: To contribute professionally competent general and speciality personnel to meet the regional, national and global health care needs; To foster a strong community relationship through research, service and linkages; To provide an efficient and effective system that is acceptable to community and excels in education and service; To inculcate ethical values in learners to be socially and professionally acceptable.
The SDM College of Dental Sciences & Hospital (SDMCDSH) was established in 1986 and recognized by the Dental Council of India in 1990. It was affiliated to the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore in 1996. In 2002, the NAAC awarded the college a “Five Star” rating and in 2009 it was reaccredited with 3.77/4 (94%) and again in 2015 with 3.58/4. The College is now affiliated to Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheswara University, Dharwad since December 2018.
Today, we are widely considered to be the leading dental establishment in the country. The SDM College of Dental Sciences & Hospital, Dharwad is proud to have a global network of alumni who are not only proud of their alma mater but also credit the College for their professional success. The College is blessed with a large number of patients who put their trust in the SDMCDSH and provide our students with enormous clinical experience.
The SDMCDSH would like to sincerely thank Poojya Dr. D. Veerendra Heggade ji (Chancellor), Dr. Niranjan Kumar, (Vice Chancellor), the entire Management team, students, parents & our well-wishers.
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Dr. Balaram Naik

Dr. Anand K. Tavargeri
Vice Principal (Administration)

Dr. Lekha K
Vice Principal (Academics)

The Institution is committed to conduct high quality dental education programs both at the undergraduate and post – graduate levels. The School’s academic environment fosters the acquisition of knowledge in the basic, behavioral, and clinical sciences. Independent thinking and life-long learning are encouraged through various programs and interactive sessions.

The faculty and students generate new knowledge in the basic, applied, and clinical sciences, with an emphasis on the promotion of oral health and function. The acquired knowledge is disseminated through presentations at general dental & specialty conferences, workshops, seminars and publications in both national and international level

Patient Care
The Hospital provides high quality comprehensive, primary and specialized oral health care to individuals of all socioeconomic and cultural groups in and beyond this region. Patient care enhances the educational programs and supports the scientific and clinical research efforts of the college.

The School seeks to inform the public about the prevention and treatment of oral diseases through camps and dental health awareness programs. It provides continuing education programs for dental and other health professionals in a variety of settings. Faculties also serve in professional organizations.