

IXth Spandana alumni meet on 13th and 14th August 2016

Spandana the alumni association of SDMCDS organised IX thSpandana alumni meet on 13th and 14th August 2016 at SDM College of dental sciences.

Spandana the alumni association of SDMCDS organised IXth Spandana alumni meet on 13th and 14th August 2016 at SDM College of dental sciences.

The inauguration was on 13th august at 10:30 am, with the chief guest as Dr SK Joshi Principal SDM college of Medical Sciences and Hospital, who said that this college is one of the top premier institutions in the country which has produced around 4000 UGS and PGS, among which some of them are in very good positions in India and overseas. Also Guest of Honor being Shri k Jinendra Prasad secretary SDME society, Spandana Chairman Dr Srinath Thakur, President Dr Deepika kenkere , Vicepresident Dr Atul sattur, treasurer Dr Preetha Shetty and Secretary Dr Shodan M were present.

The two day event consisted of felicitation of Eminent staff of SDMCDS and also support staff, followed by indoor and outdoor sports activities the next day.

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