Highlights from the 16th Asian Congress of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (ASIAN Conference)

The conference was held in Chennai from 25th to 27th July 2024 with the theme β€œResearch, Innovate, Collaborate.” 🌟 The event featured insightful guest lectures and showcased outstanding talent and expertise in the field of maxillofacial surgery.

Guest Lectures Included:
πŸ—£οΈ Dr. Venkatesh Anehosur – “Endoscopic Assisted Surgery in Maxillofacial Trauma”

πŸ—£οΈ Dr. Anil Kumar Desai – “Role of Lip Adhesion in Bilateral Cleft Lip”

πŸ—£οΈ Dr. Smitha Bhat – “Unicystic Ameloblastoma – Should We Treat Them Differently?”

πŸ—£οΈ Dr. Deepthi Shetty – “Non-Invasive Diagnostic Aids in Oral Cancer”

Awards & Achievements:
πŸ† Best Paper Award in Prize Category: Dr. Tejaswini Manjunath (Guided by Dr. Deepthi Shetty)
Topic: Intraoperative Near-Infrared Guided Surgery Using Indocyanine Green (ICG) for Identification of Positive Margins in OSCC

πŸ† Best Paper Award in Free Paper Session: Dr. T Sai Meera (Guided by Dr. Venkatesh Anehosur)
Topic: Management of Complex Heterogeneous Mandibular Pathologies Resulting in Severe Facial Asymmetry: A Retrospective Analysis of Rare Case Series and Surgical Outcomes

πŸ… Skill Competition – Winner for Cleft Lip and Palate Suturing: Dr. Tejeshwini M

πŸ₯ˆ Second Place in Dento-Alveolar Wirings: Dr. Swathi Srinivasan

πŸŽ“ International Board Certification: Dr. Saurav Bhaduri (Asst. Prof.) achieved certification for India 2024.

🏸 Runner-Up in Final Singles Badminton Competition: Dr. Uday Juturu (Asst. Prof.)

The conference was a great success, filled with knowledge sharing, innovation, and skill development. Congratulations to all the participants and winners! πŸ‘πŸ‘

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