Exciting news from the 15th IAPHD PG Convention held at Sinhagad Dental College and Hospital, Pune on April 20th and 21st, 2024!
🏆 Oral Paper Presentation Winners:
- Dr. Chinmay D. Surlakar: 2nd prize for the paper titled “Economic impact of dental care on patients visiting dental institution in Dharwad.” Guided by Dr. Preetha Shetty, Prof. Dept. of Public Health Dentistry.
- Dr. Priya M. Pattanshetti: 3rd prize for the paper titled “Perception amongst interns about patient safety culture in dental hospitals: A cross-sectional questionnaire-based survey” Guided by Dr. Ravi Shirahatti, Prof & Head Dept. of Public Health Dentistry.
Congratulations to our talented postgraduates for their outstanding achievements! 🎉 #IAPHD #PGConvention #DentalResearch 🦷