Exciting news from the 15th IAPHD PG Convention held at Sinhagad Dental College and Hospital, Pune on April 20th and 21st, 2024!

🏆 Oral Paper Presentation Winners:

  1. Dr. Chinmay D. Surlakar: 2nd prize for the paper titled “Economic impact of dental care on patients visiting dental institution in Dharwad.” Guided by Dr. Preetha Shetty, Prof. Dept. of Public Health Dentistry.
  2. Dr. Priya M. Pattanshetti: 3rd prize for the paper titled “Perception amongst interns about patient safety culture in dental hospitals: A cross-sectional questionnaire-based survey” Guided by Dr. Ravi Shirahatti, Prof & Head Dept. of Public Health Dentistry.

Congratulations to our talented postgraduates for their outstanding achievements! 🎉 #IAPHD #PGConvention #DentalResearch 🦷


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